About us
Kids Media is an Australian owned company and for more than 30 years it that has specialised in communicating with classroom teachers and home school educators (and their students) throughout Australia.
During that time, Australian and State government departments and agencies, as well as many large industry associations and the corporate sector have engaged Kids Media to develop education communication strategies, education resources and implement school promotional programs.
From the beginning of 2024 Kids Media no longer provides the client education services listed above and is now focused solely on our education website, ‘FOR TEACHERS for students’ www.forteacherforstudents.com.au

‘FOR TEACHERS for students’ (FTfs) education website
Now in its 17th successful year, our ‘FOR TEACHERS for students’ education resources portal is well-visited and highly-respected. It is utilised regularly by classroom teachers, the casual/relief teacher community, home school educators and parents for their middle to upper primary-age students.
Educators and parents are not required to register or login to access and download FTfs content, making it a very attractive, cross-curricular education resource.
Menu options for access to content on FTfs include:
Themed curriculum support resources: more than 40 topic-based facts for students, units of work, lesson ideas, student activity sheets, and other related educational resources
Templates and masters: printable PDFs under headings such as classroom organisation, craft, games, graphic organisers, literacy, mathematics, and mixed topic activities including mazes, number puzzles and word puzzles. There are also ‘just for fun’ educational activities for students
Interactives & videos: educational fun, designed to support a variety of topics relating to your teaching programs
Photos & illustrations: images appearing in, or related to, the various ‘Themed curriculum support resources’
Free external resources portal: web links and descriptions for free education resources that are hosted on external websites.
Contact us
As an anti-spam measure we have not published our email address on this website.
Please contact us via email by completing the form below.